Saturday, August 30, 2008
Realizarea carnii de iepure din AO INFO-TERRA
E cu placere faptul ca in sfirsit Asociatia crescatorilor de iepuri din Vadul Rascov formata cu spriginul Fundatiei HEIFER Romania a inceput realizarea carnii de iepure. Dupa cum ati aflat din blog de mai jos AO INFO-TERRA din Vadul Rascov a cistigat un proiect de crestere a iepurilor in familiisocial vulnerabile. Si iata rezultatul asteptat pentru aceste familii care realizind carne ,muncind, au facut o crestere considerabila financiara in familiele lor . Bravo lor si multa multumire finantatorilor care au ajutat aceste familii sa se descurce in dezastru ce se petrece la satele noastre Moldovenesti mai departe de Parlament si centru. Au uitat toti de noi si iaras vin alegerile.....
Sarbatori fericite
O zi buna la toti cei ce vizualiziaza blogul nostru.
Vreau sa va felicit pe toti cu sarbatorile noastre Republicane si ziua de "incepere a necazului pentru cei mici de la scoala-ca ma tin minte si eu ce ....." , sa Va doresc numai bine in viata de toate zilile si la multi ani!
Cu stima mos Vasile !
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Konstanka's Day Off
I recently found out how dogs spend their vacations, answering a question that has always weighed so heavily on my mind.
It might be surprising, but dogs have jobs just like we humans do. They work the same long hours and under the same grueling conditions, without the saving grace of perquisites like creme doughnuts in the mornings and expense accounts to finance those fancy restaurant dinners for "clients".
One of the dogs at the house, Konstanka, has not had a vacation for some months. Everyday, she faithfully keeps away fearsome stray cats and pugnacious poultry.
That horse better not even think about doing a number two near the yard when she's on duty.
She is usually chained to a steel wire running the length of the yard and one day, we decided it was time to give her some off time, as per her contract.
Once she was outside the grounds, she couldn't stop running around and sniffing every random thing. You'd think she had never seen a rock on a dirt road before, or a pile of cow dung. She was acting like a kid visitng Disneyland for the very first time, although our Pirates of the Caribbean attraction was more like the Flotsam of the Nistru River.
I decided to take her on my daily evening stroll, to show her the sights and sounds. It didn't go well.
About 600 meters down the road, we met another dog on the street. Now, dogs are territorial and especially unfriendly towards stranger dogs, and this case was no exception. What resulted was the most lopsided fight since the Generals versus the Globetrotters. As expected, Konstanka, who is at least twice as large as the other dog, was run off the grounds with her tail between her legs and chased into the woods.
I do not know how she was able to come back to the house later that night and beg me for a treat. I guess she's a better dog than me.
It might be surprising, but dogs have jobs just like we humans do. They work the same long hours and under the same grueling conditions, without the saving grace of perquisites like creme doughnuts in the mornings and expense accounts to finance those fancy restaurant dinners for "clients".
One of the dogs at the house, Konstanka, has not had a vacation for some months. Everyday, she faithfully keeps away fearsome stray cats and pugnacious poultry.
That horse better not even think about doing a number two near the yard when she's on duty.
She is usually chained to a steel wire running the length of the yard and one day, we decided it was time to give her some off time, as per her contract.
Once she was outside the grounds, she couldn't stop running around and sniffing every random thing. You'd think she had never seen a rock on a dirt road before, or a pile of cow dung. She was acting like a kid visitng Disneyland for the very first time, although our Pirates of the Caribbean attraction was more like the Flotsam of the Nistru River.
I decided to take her on my daily evening stroll, to show her the sights and sounds. It didn't go well.
About 600 meters down the road, we met another dog on the street. Now, dogs are territorial and especially unfriendly towards stranger dogs, and this case was no exception. What resulted was the most lopsided fight since the Generals versus the Globetrotters. As expected, Konstanka, who is at least twice as large as the other dog, was run off the grounds with her tail between her legs and chased into the woods.
I do not know how she was able to come back to the house later that night and beg me for a treat. I guess she's a better dog than me.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ruminations on a future
I recently had a conversation with a young lady in the village about her future. She is ambivalent in her feelings. At the moment, she is in the final year of high school and will be taking the baccalaureate exams next June. She is somewhat worried about the exams, since the marks she will receive weigh rather heavily and perhaps disproportionately on her overall grades. Given the loose environment in which official exams are given and graded, she expressed some displeasure at the inherent unfairness of the system, but was confident nonetheless. She plans on continuing on to medical school and eventually finishing with a medical degree. Even in this country, medical school is a long and grueling journey, requiring many years and hard work, but without the nearly certain payoff that medical students in certain other countries can look forward to upon graduation. She is not sure what would happen after graduation, considering the inherent difficulties of the job market. Finally, like most young people in this country, she would like to travel and live abroad at some point.
Knowing her, I firmly believe she will succeed in whatever endeavors she undertakes. She seems motivated and hopeful of success. And I think most importantly, she loves her country.
Knowing her, I firmly believe she will succeed in whatever endeavors she undertakes. She seems motivated and hopeful of success. And I think most importantly, she loves her country.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Noutati ,vizita HEIFER
O zi buna la toti ce se afla cu noi...
Recent 6-7 august ,cu o vizita au sosit reprezentantii Fundatiei HEIFER-ROMANIA, finansatorii proiectului ; Cu cresterea iepurilor in comuna Vadul-Rascov. Am fost foarte bucurosi de vizita. Am intles ca munca depusa spre realizarea proiectului dat a fost aprecieata constructiv si cu intelegere.
Am vizitat citivai beneficiari, crescatori de iepuri din anul 2007, citivai din anul 2008 si beneficiari ce au primit pasarile de la cei mai veci. le multumim din suflet pentru ajutorul Fundatiei HEIFER ,catre locuitorii Comunei Vadul-Rascov. Ne incinam si va zicem sa fiti sanatosi.
Ne pare bine ca am ajutat cu un proiect si azilul de batrini din oraselul Soldanesti, cred ca se vor stradui sa le mearga treaba.
Citevai secvante de la vizita la beneficiarii proiectului HEIFER la Vadul-Rascov...............
Friday, August 08, 2008
War on Weather!
Every country tries its best to predict and control weather, and Moldova is no exception. I recently visited the frontlines of the fight against weather, at a weather station near Sadova. There, I witnessed the awesome spectacle of "cloud rockets". Located at an austere concrete base that puts proper fear into mother nature, and fired from launchers that hearken back to the deadly katyusha rockets of WW2, these rockets are loud, bright, and probably only minimally effective. But we can say we tried.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
De ziua ta Olesea
O zi buna la toti cei ce vizioneaza Blogul nostru.
Astazi pentru familia noastra este o sarbatoare, e ziua de nastere a fiicei mele Olesea , implineste citivai... ani si vreau sa o felicit din suflet cu acacta zi ,sanatate si la multi ani fericiti,cu bine sa se termine planul pe care il ai in acasta toamni-un nepot s-au nepotica sanatoasa.
Despre sat, apa din Nistru a scazut considerabil, aproape la jumate din cei 8 metri adaugati. Satenii prind peste prin porumb si cartofi care au fost saditi pe mal. Din curateniea pe care am facut-o cu copii in proiectul PGM M2008, nu se vede nimic. Vom incepe din nou.
Acestea sunt noutatile de la ziua de azi
Cu respect mos Vasile.
Astazi pentru familia noastra este o sarbatoare, e ziua de nastere a fiicei mele Olesea , implineste citivai... ani si vreau sa o felicit din suflet cu acacta zi ,sanatate si la multi ani fericiti,cu bine sa se termine planul pe care il ai in acasta toamni-un nepot s-au nepotica sanatoasa.
Despre sat, apa din Nistru a scazut considerabil, aproape la jumate din cei 8 metri adaugati. Satenii prind peste prin porumb si cartofi care au fost saditi pe mal. Din curateniea pe care am facut-o cu copii in proiectul PGM M2008, nu se vede nimic. Vom incepe din nou.
Acestea sunt noutatile de la ziua de azi
Cu respect mos Vasile.
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