Thursday, September 25, 2008

Results of the Summer Reading Campaign

During the summer, I sponsored a reading campaign at the local high school. Students were given reading lists corresponding to their grade level, and had the entire summer vacation to complete that list. Prizes were to be handed out according to the percentage of the list completed. In the fall, participants were tested to confirm that the reading had been done.

I am delighted to report that ten students successfully completed the program. Five read at least 75% of the books on their list, and five read at least 50% of the books on their lists.

Although I had initially wanted to divide the prizes according to the percentage of books completed and give different cash prizes, I have decided instead to take them all on a cultural field trip to the capital, Chisinau. I feel that not only would this be more faithful to the original intention of the campaign, which was to inspire love of learning in children, it would also serve to motivate more children to participate in the next campaign. Also, it would be much more fun than receiving 80 Moldovan Lei.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Noutati de la INFO-TERRA

Buna ziua la toti cei ce vin in musafirie la noi ,si la multi ani!
Treburile la noi merg nu char rau, merge implementarea PGM M2008 ,ne ocupam cu raportul
intermediar, merge implementarea proictului cu cresterea iepurilorde rasa in familii social vulnerabile sustinut de de FundatiaHEIFER. Sa terminat
pasarea animalelor de la beneficiarii anului 2007.
Am innoit putin sala de calculatoare cu un computator mai performant, va fi mai usor de lucru.
Am terminat lucrul asupra unui proiect cu tineretul la Ambasada norvegiei in Romania- pe care la-m trimis deja. Am participat la un seminar la Agentiea HABITAT cu colegi din Polonia ,la care am "luoat" multe ceia ce noi mai avem de lucrat.
Cu stima mos Vasile...
Cite ceva de la Vadul-Rascov -toamna la noi.......

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

1 septembrie- ozi frumoasa

  1 septembrie pentru tineretul din comunele Vadul-Rascov si Climautii de jos  au fost imbucuratoare-sa facut remunerarea la prima transa a PGM M 2008. Toate 3 gimnazii si liceul teoretic "D.Matcovschi" din Vadul-Rascov au primit cadouri pentru salubrizare a 16 km de mal a Nistrului-multumim tinerilor din aceste comune. Ce cadouri-poftim;

 3 -Multifunctionale color

20 mingi diferite, computator-gimnaziul din Socol, Hirtie A4, Forma sportiva-set15 bucati e.t.c

Multumim pentru paticipare si credem la o conlucrare in transa a doua. 

1 septembrie-ozi frumoasa