Monday, February 09, 2009

Ilya Trombitsky Headlines our First Seminar

We held our first seminar for the Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest project this past Saturday morning, at the auditorium of the "Dmitri Matcovschi" High School.  We were highly pleased with the turnout, as 48 teachers, doctors and community leaders from the four villages of Cot, Climauti de Jos, Vadul-Rascov, and Socol were present to hear our talks.  

The topic of discussion was the state of the Nistru (Dniester) River and we heard from Mr. Trombitsky, of Eco-Tiras, explain the science and problems of the Nistru.  There was a lively discussion about the lamentable current river condition, problems caused by agriculture and other human activities and the general lack of awareness of all these problems.  Several solutions were proposed and it was clear that we had galvanized the community leaders towards action to save the river.  

We hope to build on this seminar and continue to raise awareness of the environmental problems of the Nistru River.   

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Un proiect nou

O zi buna la toti cei ce vin in ospetie pe blogul AO INFO-TERRA. Eri,7 februarie 2009 in sala de conferinte a Liceului teoretic "Dumitru Matcovschi" din Vadul Rascov a avut loc un seminar intilnire cu pedagogii din cele 4 sate ; Socol, Vadul-Rascov , Climautii de Jos si Cot, care vor participa la implementarea proiectului de mediu cistigat de AO INFO TERRA de la Ambasada Norvegiei. Proiectul are telil de a promova o educatie ecologica a tineretului si celor adulti -locuitori din satele de pe malul Nistru. La seminar au participat peste 50 de persoane, am avut ca aospete pe Ilia Trombitchii -Director AO ECO-TIRAS.
Citevai secvente;

Friday, February 06, 2009

First Seminar Tomorrow!