Thursday, July 31, 2008
What was left after the rains, Pt 1
After nearly a week of torrential rains, the village is finally drying out. The river itself has risen, by some reports, seven meters, reaching levels unprecedented in recent memory.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Finisarea etapei intii la PGM 2008
O zi buna la toti cei ce studieaza blogul AO INFO-TERRA.
Iata ca sa inceiat prima etapa a implementarii Proiectului de Granturi Mici. Un segment de 16 km de mal a Nistrului batrin a fost adus in regula, cit de putin. Cu parere de rau ,cu aparitia noilor turisti ,murdariea vine iarasi. Speram ca odata cu implementaerea proiectului va veni si simtul de "gospodari" si la cei adulti ce isi petrec odina pe malul Nistrului.
Implementarea proiectului PGM2008 a inceput cu organizarea a 6 seminare-intilniri cu tineretul din comunele Vadul-Rascov si Climautii de Jos, impreuna cu directorii de scoli din localitate, si Consiliul de tineret Noua Generatie . La 27 iulie ,a fost organizat primul scrutin la care au participat peste 60 de tineri din satele Vadul-Rascov si Climautii de Jos, sau gramadit peste 26 de carute de gunoi ce au fost transportate la gunoistea autorizata. Sau curatit 8 km de mal a batrinului Nistru de la marginea satului Climauti pina la marginea satului Vadul-Rascov/Fazenda Gutan Vasile/. Toti au primit Certificate de acces liber la internet /6ore/ si doua pauze cu dulciuri si apa rece.
la 13 iulie , lucrul asupra proiectiului PGM2008 a fost preluat de tineretul din satul Cot unde au participat peste26 de tineri. Curatenia a fost efectuata pe un segment de 4km, de la izvorul Casian/Bursuc/pina la intrarea in satul Climauti. Au fost strinse si duse la gunoiste 12 carute de murdarie lasata de adulti. toti participantii la imlementarea proiectului au primit dulciuri si apa rece, sau inminat caerificate de acces liber la internet.
18 iulie dimineata la orele 9.30 la gimnaziul din Socol sau adunat multi tineri care aflind de imlementarea proiectului PGM2008 au venit la treaba. Cu un intuziazm nemaipomenit sa pornit lucrul de la fazenda Gutan spre Curtea Boierului de sub satul Poiana , 4 km de mal au fost curatite, parcul din Socol si in jurul izvorului de la Nistru. La prele 13.30 toti se odihneau cu dulciuri si apa rece. Sau inminat certificate de acces liber la internet-cel mai principal.
In partea a doua a implementarii proiectului se va repeta partial curatirea malului Nistru si se va petrece remunerarea. Toate scolile vor primi tehnica necesara de birou,pentru cei mici excursii la teatru sau circ in Chisinau, la cei mai mari mingi si careva inventar sportiv necesar pentru ocuparea cu sportul.
Monday, July 21, 2008
You say tomato, I say roşii - Pt 1
It is always interesting to observe the differences between languages. Native Romanian speakers seem to have difficulty with the wh and th sounds. Nu and I also presents some problems. For English speakers, the rolling Rs are the hardest to grasp. Romanian does somewhat flow a bit smoother off the tongue than English, as there are many vowel endings that make it easier to link words.
It is a testament to the predominance of the English language that many English words are remarkably similar in Romanian. One can indeed have surprising success simply by pronouncing English words with an Romanian accent, or by Romanianizing words by adding vowels as suffixes. This is primarily due to modern Romanian borrowing from English. English is very popular among youth and more and more words enter Romanian as neologisms everyday. This has both its benefits and harms and it is debatable whether it is desired and positive.
It is a testament to the predominance of the English language that many English words are remarkably similar in Romanian. One can indeed have surprising success simply by pronouncing English words with an Romanian accent, or by Romanianizing words by adding vowels as suffixes. This is primarily due to modern Romanian borrowing from English. English is very popular among youth and more and more words enter Romanian as neologisms everyday. This has both its benefits and harms and it is debatable whether it is desired and positive.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Un mediu sanatos in drum spre Uniunea Europeana
O zi buna la toti ce vizioneaza Blogul AO INFO-TERRA.
Eri, vineri 18 iulie 2008, AO INFO-TERRA inpreuna cu tineretul din satul Socol au prelungit implementarea proiectului PGM M2008. Sunt bucuros ca tintretul cu un intuziasm nemaipomenit aduc aportul in salubrizarea comunitatii de deseuri, la cazul dat malul Nistrului. Mergind si curatind cu beneficiarii proiectului malul acestui riu ,al nostru, te impli de cuda si jale de ceia ce lasa comunitatea dupa ei, oare lumeia nu vede ce face ,unde vom ajunje cu asa atirnare fata de natura -mama. Nu am cuvinte de a ma exsprima...
Si totus despre imlementarea proiectului, pe la orele 9.30/doar e vacanta/,copii s-au adunat la gimnaziul din Socol si am plecat peste 25 de persoane la malul riului sau mai adunat,acolo tinerii au primit manuse si sacose pentru lucru. Gunoiul gramadit a fostt incarcat in 3 carute si transportat la gunoistea autorizsata. La ora 11.00 am facut o pauza de cafea cu dulciuri si apa rece si am prelungit lucrul. Tineretul din satul Socol au curatit un segment de mal de 4km .Lucrul a inceput de la izvorul de la fazeda Vasile Gutan si pina la Curtea Boierului, la satul Poiana. Pe la orele 13.20 lucrul a fost terminat, sa servit dulciuri multe , apa dulce ,rece. Remunerarea a fost facuta prin inminarea a 35 de certificate de acces liber la INTERNET/6 ore/. Sa facut multumiri frumoase participantilor -profesori din Gimnaziul Socol, Doamna Paierele Valentina si Rotari Valentina ,gratie lor. O zi buna la toti.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
O zi buna la toti ce studiaza blogul nostru. Astazi inpreuna cu partenerul meu am participat la un seminar specific pentru raionul nostru, despre drepturile femeelor, Despre traficul de surse umane etc.
Mine 18.iunie 2008, vom prelungi implementarea proiectului "O comunitate salubra in drum spre UE". Acum beneficiari ai proiectului vor fi tineretul din satul Socol. Cred ca se vor aduna si elevii gimnaziului Socol si tineretul din sat.
Peste tot sunt afisate avizuri. A fost anuntata administratia Gimnaziului.
Atit pe azi.Cu stima mos Vasile.
Vizionati secvente de la seminar.
Monday, July 14, 2008
O zi buna la toti! Eri ,Duminica AO INFO-TERRA a prelungit inplementarea proiectului " O comunitate sanatoasa in drum spre UE". La implementarea proiectului au participat tineretul din Gimnaziul satului Cot, peste 30 de tineri. Lucrul s-a inceput la orele 9.00 de la marginea satului Bursuc ,la izvorul lui Casian.
La scrutin au participat Dir. AO INFO-TERRA Vasile Otel, Directorul Gimnaziu;ui din Cot ,D-na Maciuca Nina, profesori D-na Lucas Silvia si Maciuca Ion, cu camera foto a fost voluntarul de la Corpul Pacii Wand Weber.
Sau inpartit rechizitele pentru lucru- sacose si manusi de lucru Cu o placere nemaipomenita sa pornit lucrul ,la strigerea deseurilor de pe malul Nistrului, macar ca se lasase o caldura mare. Deseurile stinse in sacose au fost incarcate in carute si trimise la gunoistea autorizata. La orele 11.00 sa facut o pauza de cafea cu apa rece si dulciuri. La orele 11.30 am inceput lucrul pe alt segment de mal. La orele 13.00 sau curatit 4km de mal a Nistrului si sau facut totalurile lucrarilor petrecute cu inminarea Certificatelor de acces liber la internet si o masa cu dulcuri si apa rece. Toti au fost multumiti mai ales cei ce nu au fost nici odata la INTERNET. Vizionati secventele....
Friday, July 11, 2008
School is in Session
I have always believed that knowledge and education go hand in hand with success and fortune, and now, our organisation is expanding its services and offering courses on English and basic computer literacy. The courses are taught in small and intimate classes and customized to both the skills and the needs of the students. They are offered free of charge. We only ask the students to take the lessons seriously, be punctual, and do as best as they can.
Right now, the English courses are the more popular half of the program. We have been inundated with inquiries and have filled up most of the available spaces. Although our current students are all children and young adults, we hope to encourage older people, especially the family breadwinners to enroll. I feel that it is important that this group learn English, as this skill will be invaluable for their job prospects and help increase their incomes.
We hope to partner with the local schools on the computer literacy programs. We would like to begin with the teachers themselves, as we feel that the usage of computers and the internet will greatly enrichen their lectures and help them do their jobs. They can research topics, look up lesson plans, download presentation materials and multimedia and even converse with other teachers. From there, we would like to expand into the classroom itself, and make computer and internet usage as normal as the notebook and pencil.
For a developing nation like Moldova, English language skills and computer literacy are key.
Right now, the English courses are the more popular half of the program. We have been inundated with inquiries and have filled up most of the available spaces. Although our current students are all children and young adults, we hope to encourage older people, especially the family breadwinners to enroll. I feel that it is important that this group learn English, as this skill will be invaluable for their job prospects and help increase their incomes.
We hope to partner with the local schools on the computer literacy programs. We would like to begin with the teachers themselves, as we feel that the usage of computers and the internet will greatly enrichen their lectures and help them do their jobs. They can research topics, look up lesson plans, download presentation materials and multimedia and even converse with other teachers. From there, we would like to expand into the classroom itself, and make computer and internet usage as normal as the notebook and pencil.
For a developing nation like Moldova, English language skills and computer literacy are key.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
De ziua ta nepoate!!!!
Buna ziua la toti! Pina se mureaza "saslicul " o sa va povestesc o noutate .. peste doua zile e ziua nepotului mei Vlad, cel mai scump suflet pentru mine...
Vreau sai doresc sanatate si prosperitate la cei trei anisori impliniti.... numai noroc si pace in viata lui. La multi ani Vladut, bunelul te iubeste foarte mul si vrea sa fii "om" in viata. La multi Ani./ ne vom mai intoarce/
Acum secvente cu Vladut.....
Friday, July 04, 2008
Dr Dolittle?
Recently, I have been finding stray kittens like they were dropped change. It's not as if I walk around holding catnip, and I definitely have not eaten fish for months. My theory is that just as the Moldovan humans cannot resist coming to me to out of curiousity, so cannot the kittens. They simply have to check the străin out.
The first pair I picked up right across the street from where I live. I had heard rather insistent meowing for several nights and finally saw the source while I was walking back one evening. They were definitely a bit frightened at first, but turning off the flashlight helped me persuade them to come with me. They were famished and rather dirty, really just skin and bones. Luckily, the existing cat at the house had just had a litter and did not object to two more mouths.
The third one was a bit more special. He was originally part of our cat's litter and was given away. I assume he didn't find his new home to his liking, but got lost trying to come back since I found him in the neighbor's yard. He was meowing like kingdom come, and I have never heard another feline meow as loud as he does. It really is very endearing. Intrigued, I decided to respond with my own imitation of him and he came running down from the tree he was up at.
I haven't named any one of them yet, and welcome suggestions.
The first pair I picked up right across the street from where I live. I had heard rather insistent meowing for several nights and finally saw the source while I was walking back one evening. They were definitely a bit frightened at first, but turning off the flashlight helped me persuade them to come with me. They were famished and rather dirty, really just skin and bones. Luckily, the existing cat at the house had just had a litter and did not object to two more mouths.
The third one was a bit more special. He was originally part of our cat's litter and was given away. I assume he didn't find his new home to his liking, but got lost trying to come back since I found him in the neighbor's yard. He was meowing like kingdom come, and I have never heard another feline meow as loud as he does. It really is very endearing. Intrigued, I decided to respond with my own imitation of him and he came running down from the tree he was up at.
I haven't named any one of them yet, and welcome suggestions.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Buna ziua la toti ce citesc regulat blogul aoinfoterra.
Astazi e Joi 3 iulie si vreau sa va povestesc despre noutatile din AO. Am primit o parte de bani pentru implementarea proiectului " O comunitate salubra in drum spre UE" si astazi am facut unele transferuri pentru a procura rechizite la realizarea proiectului/manusi , sacose, rechizite de birou/ care le voi inmina profesorilor ce paticipa in proiect etc. Dupa intelegere cu Directorul gimnaziului din Socola doamna Paerele Valentina , duminica la orele 9.00 vom organiza tineretul si vom curati cele 4 km/pentru Gimnaziul din Socola/ de mal a Nistrului de deseuri si difeerite murdarii. Sacosele cu gunoi vor fi incarcate in carute si transportate la gunoistea autorizata.
planuim pe la orele 13.00 sa facem totalurile cu apa rece si dulcuri, toti participantii vor primi certificate de acces liber la INTERNET in CCAII din Vadul-Rascov. Pentru saptamina viitoare vom planui ralizarea proiectului cu tineretul din Cot.
Astazi e Joi 3 iulie si vreau sa va povestesc despre noutatile din AO. Am primit o parte de bani pentru implementarea proiectului " O comunitate salubra in drum spre UE" si astazi am facut unele transferuri pentru a procura rechizite la realizarea proiectului/manusi , sacose, rechizite de birou/ care le voi inmina profesorilor ce paticipa in proiect etc. Dupa intelegere cu Directorul gimnaziului din Socola doamna Paerele Valentina , duminica la orele 9.00 vom organiza tineretul si vom curati cele 4 km/pentru Gimnaziul din Socola/ de mal a Nistrului de deseuri si difeerite murdarii. Sacosele cu gunoi vor fi incarcate in carute si transportate la gunoistea autorizata.
planuim pe la orele 13.00 sa facem totalurile cu apa rece si dulcuri, toti participantii vor primi certificate de acces liber la INTERNET in CCAII din Vadul-Rascov. Pentru saptamina viitoare vom planui ralizarea proiectului cu tineretul din Cot.
As Moldovan as Visine Placinte
In Moldova, placinte, or pies are quite popular fare. They are eaten several times a week, for lunch and for dinner. It is also not uncommon for them to be served as dessert. Stuffings include cherries, cheese, cabbage, apples and potatoes.
What are they like?
Unlike the pie you may be most familiar with, the filling in a placinta is completely enveloped by dough. It is not made in a pie pan and there is no crust. The fillings are rather rare compared to the dough. The thickness of the pastry dough varies from maker to maker. They can be as thin as the cover of a book or several centimeters thick. The cooking is done in pans, by frying in sunflower oil. This process creates the crispness and liveliness that is idiosyncratic to the Moldovan pie. There is nothing else quite like it.
What are they like?
Unlike the pie you may be most familiar with, the filling in a placinta is completely enveloped by dough. It is not made in a pie pan and there is no crust. The fillings are rather rare compared to the dough. The thickness of the pastry dough varies from maker to maker. They can be as thin as the cover of a book or several centimeters thick. The cooking is done in pans, by frying in sunflower oil. This process creates the crispness and liveliness that is idiosyncratic to the Moldovan pie. There is nothing else quite like it.
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